
Problema nationala a devenit un urs. La ursi nu ma pricep. Spun doar ca nici un animal nu trebuie ucis din distractia sau orgoliul bolnav al unui….sa ii zicem om. Daca ai oo, ia-te la bataie cu el, fie si inarmat cu un cutit, cu o bata si cam atat, pentru sanse egale. Daca nu, mergi in pace. Spre un stabiliment de profil.Insa la oameni ma pricep putin. Si vad ca vinatorul e fiul unui domn care e seful unei organizatii (Coudenhove-Kalergi) care l-a decorat pe Presedintele Romaniei. Foarte frumos! Fondatorul organizatiei, domnul Coudenhove-Kalergi, gandea asa: „His original vision was for a world divided into only five states: a United States of Europe that would link continental countries with French and Italian possessions in Africa; a Pan-American Union encompassing North and South Americas; the British Commonwealth circling the globe; the USSR spanning Eurasia; and a Pan-Asian Union whereby Japan and China would control most of the Pacific. To him, the only hope for a Europe devastated by war was to federate along lines that the Hungarian-born Romanian Aurel Popovici and others had proposed for the dissolved multinational Empire of Austria-Hungary. According to Coudenhove-Kalergi, Pan-Europe would encompass and extend a more flexible and more competitive Austria-Hungary, with English serving as the world language, spoken by everyone in addition to their native tongue. He believed that individualism and socialism would learn to cooperate instead of compete, and urged that capitalism and communism cross-fertilise each other just as the Protestant Reformation had spurred the Catholic Church to regenerate itself.” (pt sursele originale vezi Wikipedia). Deci, Romania, zona de vinatoare mai sus amintita, nu ar fi printre cele 5 state prevazute de fondatorul organizatiei care premiaza. Poate ar trebui sa fie adaptate la prezent principiile, stiu si eu?!A, si a mai scris Dl. Coudenhove-Kalergi ceva in cartea lui „Idealismul Practic”: „Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. […]”. Ca sa fie bine, sa nu fie rau….Daca nu era bietul Arthur….uite ca nu imi aduceam aminte una, alta.

Tags : Ursul Arthur

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